portland maternity photographer

Salem Oregon Maternity Photographer - books, plants, and an adorable baby bump!

Sometimes it’s just too dang hot outside do do a maternity session. This was one of those days, when we had record highs last August. Rather than try to sweat through the heat, we opted to shoot in the studio, where we could all rejoice about the air conditioning.

The parents-to-be brought some of their favorite baby books, their ultrasound images, a baby blanket, and a name sign. I gathered up all of the plants (fake and real) that I could find, and Jessica’s emerald green lace dress tied it all together perfectly.

Salem Oregon Maternity Photographer - emotional b&w portraits

This couple has been though (and continue to go through) more than most can imagine and I’ll just leave it at that. While we definitely did some happy, colorful maternity portraits, these intimate shots speak to me the most.

Salem Maternity Photographer - Indoor Maternity Session (Anna & Ken)

I have had the honor of photographing Anna & Ken for several years now and they are truly amazing people. This year their annual fall portraits looked a little different, with Anna’s baby bump making an appearance. Baby Asha is expected to make her grand entrance in early 2022 and I cannot wait to meet her!

Salem Oregon Maternity Photographer - studio maternity session (sneak peek)!

This fall I offered indoor mini sessions at The Gray Lab, a natural light studio in downtown Salem. Yes, I have my own studio a block away, but The Gray Lab is more suited for groups than my space is. I am excited to share more from this session very soon!