This. Was. Amazing.
This was Porshe’s third baby, but her first time delivering at home. Her last baby was born nearly four years earlier at OHSU, via VBAC. I had the privilege of photographing that birth as well (see some of those photos HERE)! Although this birth was very different from her last, the things that remained the same were Porshe’s extremely supportive husband, her amazing doula, and her own incredible strength throughout labor and delivery.
This birth was over six months ago, so some of the details are hazy for me. If you’re interested in hearing Porshe’s account of the birth, CLICK HERE to check out her appearance on the podcast, Doing it at Home.
Here is MY version of this magical birth…
Around 3pm, Porshe let me know that she was in early labor and was trying to get things moving along, but thought it would probably be a while. About 40 minutes later, she let me know that she was dilated to 6, but that she still wasn’t in any kind of regular labor pattern. She instructed to be on standby, but not to go yet, as her midwives were getting a little concerned about her blood pressure. At around 6:30pm, she let me know that she was heading to the hospital to get checked out, but that she was hoping to get discharged quickly and still have a home birth.
This is where I am going to be brutally honest…
Aside from my first concern, which was Porshe’s well-being, I felt sad and frustrated for her because I just KNEW the hospital was going to keep her. I mean, she was at least 6cm dilated and having blood pressure issues. Due to the pandemic, I wouldn’t have been allowed at a hospital delivery. So, I went about my day. I mean, I had my phone and my bags were packed, but I really didn’t think I’d be going to a birth.
Around 8:30pm, Porshe updated me and let me know that things were looking good and that she might be able to go home. WHAT?I was shocked, but also thinking maybe she was just being overly optimistic.
At 9:15pm, she said it was looking even better for her to go home and that they were just waiting on one last lab to come back. She told me not to head out until she was released from the hospital.
A little after 9:30pm, she was released from the hospital and told me to make my way to her house. I reached their house around 10:45pm and little did I know, she was trying to stall things until I got there!
Everyone was upstairs, in the master bedroom. When I got to the bedroom door, the first thing I saw was Porshe, sitting on the bed, with her 13-yr old daughter supporting her through contractions. It was seriously the sweetest thing ever. Mollia was an outstanding support person during labor…and not just for her age. Also in the room were the two midwives, the doula, and Porshe’s husband, Jeremy. Her mom was in and out of the room, during labor, and eventually her youngest daughter joined everyone for the actual birth.
The room was darrrrrrk , with only twinkle lights on. It was absolutely beautiful and peaceful, but also a challenge for photographs (for my photographer friends, we are taking 25,600 ISO, wide open, and as slow as I could manage for SS…and it was still dark). If you know me, though, you know I love shooting in challenging situations like this. Around the room were handmade signs of encouragement and strength, as well as music playing throughout the night.
After laboring on the bed for a while, Porshe and Jeremy went outside to do some rocking/slow dancing. It was freezing cold outside, but I am sure it felt amazing. Once the birthing tub was ready, Porshe and Jeremy climbed in. I don’t think it was more than just a few minutes before the baby was born. A contraction or two and a few pushes was all it took. So, less than two hours after my arrival and Mo’orea Rae was here! She weighed in at 8 pounds, 12 ounces and was 21 inches long. A big baby, yes, but almost a whole pounds smaller than the last baby Porshe delivered! Fun fact: Mo’orea was born with a tooth!
Someone got Monroe (formerly the baby) right in the nick of time, so both her and Mollia were present when their little sister was born. Not only that, but Mollia was holding Monroe during the experience. Immediately after meeting Mo’orea, Monroe offered her a rubber ducky! I mean, she was in the tub after all! The sweetest, and most unexpected thing, though, was when Mollia was just overcome with emotion and started crying. It made ME cry. I mean, I’m tearing up right now, just typing about it!
Shortly after the birth, everyone moved to the bed, where the placenta was delivered and Mollia cut the cord. Everyone popped champagne (okay, it was sparkling cider, but that doesn’t have the same right to it) and toasted to their newest family member . The next few hours were spent in that bed, loving on their new little miracle, feeding her, and just soaking up all the love.
I still cannot believe that they were released from the hospital. Funny thing is that her blood pressure dropped back down to normal after she got to the hospital. The best it had been all pregnancy, in fact! It was as if she WILLED it to happen. I mean, if anyone could do it, it would be her.