Portland Boudoir Photographer - green hair, don't care

So, the worst part of losing my website was that I literally lost access to everything on it. Yeah, it’s annoying that i had to start all over and that my internet ranking took a big hit, but I am way more bummed out that I lost photos I no longer have and stories I likely can’t remember. On a positive note, though, , this does give me an excuse to at least re-blog some of my favorite sessions from the past (the ones I still have photos for anyway). So, over the next few months, I’ll be blogging both new content, as well as re-blogging old posts.

Up first is this fun 35mm FILM session that I did with Brianna, a hairdresser who specializes in vibrant hair colors. This was a few years ago, when I was still renting a co-op space up in Portland. As much as I loved shooting in that space, I don’t really miss the drive!