Salem Boudoir Photographer - Albuquerque Boudoir Event

About a year ago, I went to visit one of my best friends in New Mexico. One of the things I love about Kate is how much confidence (or whatever you want to call it) in my work. She is truly one of my biggest fans, so whenever I make plans to visit, she announces that we’re doing some kind of photo event. Sometimes it’s boudoir and other times it has been family sessions, but she’s always planning something. You might think she’s trying to help me make money, but no, I don’t think that’s it. I think she truly believes in my work so much that she wants everyone she knows to have their photos done by me. It’s a sweet gesture, to say the least, and to be honest, it’s always a LOT of fun to do these events! Anyway, this beautiful woman is a returning client of mine and longtime friend of Kate’s (and by association is now a friend of mine too), She’d gone through a lot since her previous session, both physically and emotionally. One of the physical changes included her huge watercolor tattoo, which was based off of a painting she did herself.