Salem Portrait Photographer - April Self-Portrait

Sooo…. I bought myself a really cool birthday gift this year! I brought Ginger home on March 10th, the day after my 45th birthday. She’s a 1973 VW Bus…(an Adventurewagen, to be exact). Her high top is really cool and a bit unique. It doesn’t open/pop up, but instead has storage compartments over the front and back. The open space in the middle allows people to stand up while inside and OMG, it is SO nice! Well, for those under 6ft tall anyway! HA! The sink and cabinets were removed long ago and for my own reasons, I decided to remove the stove and fridge (which were about where I’m sitting in the photo below).

Let me tell you… Ginger was in need of a LOT of work. I mean, she still is, but not nearly as much as when I first got her. The good news is that she runs really well (shout out to Always V-Dub in Portland) now and we have her pretty stripped down and ready to start re-wiring, re-building, etc. My friend, Ryan, rescued this orange beauty from abandonment in central Oregon, but that’s another store for another time. I recently sold Wanda, my 1969 Vintage Aloha trailer (and she is living her best life, as a mobile boutique!), and am SO excited to keep working on Ginger! Don’t worry, I’ll be posting updates soon!