Salem Portrait Photographer - Sexy Witch Shoot (Halloween 2020)

Nothing says Halloween 2020 like sexy witches, wearing pandemic masks, am I right? These women represent so much more than just Halloween costumes…they are different shapes and sizes, various ages and ethnicities, and many here are mothers. Some rocked no makeup and some went all out. Some wore sexy shoes and some were hippie witches, running around barefoot. Some are practicing and/or learning witches, while others just enjoy dressing up for the holiday. All of them, though, are strong, badass individuals who do not fit society’s traditional definition of how a woman should act. After all, isn’t that what witches represent?

I would like to give a HUGE thank you to Amanda, Becca, Kristal, Heather, Lauren, Kristie, LaTess, Tiffany, Michiko, and Miyako for collaborating on this shoot and to Sophia for being an all around awesome assistant! Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, I did get permission from the fire department to do the smoke grenade. ;)