I recently started planning a styled shoot with makeup artist Michelle Quady and my favorite florist, Amanda Dant of Morning Glories Floral. We thought it would be cool if we could get a real couple to model for a fall bridal look. Then, I kind of jokingly said, “It would be even better if we could get someone to elope for real!” After a bit of thought, I decided to reach out to someone I thought just might be adventurous enough to do it….and I was right!
So, a mere two weeks before our scheduled shoot, I asked Cori if her and Noah would like to get married on September 30th. I honestly didn’t expect them to say yes, especially on a weekday and with such short notice. Not only did they say yes, but that date happened to be their 10 year anniversary (to the day)! I think it goes without saying that it was meant to be! Cori is also a huge fan of Autumn and was really excited to be getting married this time of year. So, that was it…they were on board and totally willing to let us plan the whole thing! We took care of both outfits, hair, makeup, locations, vows, etc. All they had to do was get their marriage certificate and show up!
I have known Cori and Noah for nearly a decade, as their oldest son is close friends with my middle son. They are genuinely good people, who do so much for their family and their community. They have also been second parents to my son for years, so this was the least I could do for them as a thank you.
Noah dropped Cori off at my studio, where we got her all dolled up. I took some photos of the flowers, while Michelle did Cori’s makeup and Amanda, who is also a wedding officiant, talked to Cori about her and Noah’s love story…which she then incorporated into their elopement ceremony.
When we were done at the studio, we met up with Noah and their children for the ceremony at Deepwood Museum & Gardens. Cori lost her mom to cancer a few years ago, but she wanted her “there” with them at the wedding, since she was so close to their family. Amanda managed to attach a beautiful locket (a gift from one of the kids), with photos of Cori’s mom, to the bouquet. It was perfect.
Of course it started raining the moment we got to the ceremony location and it didn’t stop the entire time we were outdoors. Typical Oregon. The ceremony was short and sweet, but full of both laughter and tears. Afterwards, they signed their documents, at some celebratory cupcakes, and did a quick family photo with the kids. After the kids left, we walked around the beautiful grounds of the venue for some portraits and then we headed over to Fordyce Farms for some photos at the pumpkin patch!