extended family session

Salem Oregon Family Photographer - at home session with a family of 19!

I met Loui (in the white turtleneck sweater) my freshman year of college, when we were on the same cheerleading squad. Eventually, we became roommates and then lifelong friends! Shortly after meeting Loui, I met Amber, when I was her high school cheerleading coach. Loui ended up marrying Amber’s brother and here we are, nearly 30 years later, doing a big ‘ol family portrait session!

Salem Oregon Family Photographer - extended family session at home!

I actually took these photos last year, but today seemed like a good day to share, since they’re wearing red, white, and blue!

This is my friend, Loui’s, family - Her, her husband, their four kids, her adult siblings and their families, and her parents. Loui was one of my roommates in college, as well as a fellow cheerleader and eventually cheer coach. So, I’ve known her and her husband for a long time. She was pregnant with her oldest, when I was pregnant with my middle son. They were born about a week apart.

Anyway, we did this session at Loui’s home near Salem. We lucked out with perfect weather and a beautiful sunset. This was at the height of the pandemic, so I shoot everything from quite a distance, but it was still a good time with lots of laughter. Everyone was very cooperative…even the dogs!