manzanita senior photographer

Cannon Beach Senior Portrait Photographer - Jayden, class of 2023 (part 1)

I’ve known this gorgeous senior since she was a baby. Actually, her mom was pregnant with her when I was pregnant with my youngest and somewhere there’s an old photo to prove it! Anyway, if she looks familiar, it’s probably because I did her sister’s senior photos a couple of years ago and they look a lot a like (and for those who know their parents…they look JUST like them, don’t they?) . In fact, we did part of her sister’s senior portraits at this same beach (click HERE to see that blog post). Although she doesn’t live there now, the Oregon Coast is where she grew up and this specific beach has a lot of meaning to her and her family.

If you would like to book senior portraits (or any portraits) at the beach, we can totally make that happen! Just let me know.

Because Jayden booked the biggest senior portrait package, I will be doing two more blog posts featuring her photos!

Manzanita Senior Photographer - Kassie, part 2

In case you missed part 1 of this session, you can view it by CLICKING HERE. We broke Kassie’s senior portraits up over two days. The first portion was done at Short Sands beach, right before sunset. We then met up the next morning in Manzanita, where we walked around the little downtown area, as well as went to the beach. Doing a session over two days has a few major benefits: Different lighting, change of hair/makeup, and you give your face a rest (smiling for an hour or two can really make your mouth sore!).