portland baby photographer

Salem Oregon Family Photographer - baby's milestone captured!

I adore this mama and and her three girls. This is her youngest (whose birth you can see photos of HERE) and she’s just a sweet as can be. As you can see, she adores her mama and makes the best facial expressions. As if that wasn’t enough, she decided to stand up on her own for the firs time DURING the photo shoot! Check out that very last photo and look at how surprised they both look!

Vancouver Washington Family Photographer - casual in-home family session

I met Jeremy & Sade a few years ago, when I photographed their beautiful vineyard wedding. They are very laid back (the perfect personalities to be caring for a toddler) and so easy to work with. I photographed baby Aaron when he was about 6 months old and boy was he a cutie! We scheduled his next session for 12 months, but thanks to a baby cold, we postponed a few months. It actually worked out perfectly, as Jeremy and Sade were able to close on and move into their new home in those three months!

I couldn’t believe how much he had changed between 6 and 15 months! He looked like a completely different person! In addition to him growing, his hair changed a lot too! He want from short, black hair to much longer, light brown, curly hair! He was also MUCH more active, so doing an in-home session was perfect! Plus, I got to see their beautiful new house!

Side note: Aaron will be a big brother very soon! I believe his Mama is due next month and I can’t wait to see their new little one! They obviously make adorable little humans1