salem oregon boudoir photographer
Just a little sneak peek from an empowering session I had a few weeks ago. This client, a young trans man, reached out to me about doing a photo shoot to document his body, prior to top surgery. It was a fun shoot and the photos turned out awesome.
I just love this shot of Ashley. It was taken in my studio, last winter, at sunset time.
Is it just me or do they look like they just got caught?
I’m not big on props…unless they’re hats. HA!
I looooove working with this woman! She’s laid back, is very comfortable with her own skin, and knows how to move her body in interesting and elegant ways. We met up at Silver Falls State Park, on a VERY cold morning, to do these photos. Don’t worry, we had someone standing lookout for us, in case of hikers, and we also had permission from the park.
Oh, and in case you didn’t bother to read the post title, this post contains NUDE photography.
I generally like to keep things simple, when doing portraits. I prefer backgrounds with minimal clutter, so that my subjects can stand out. These were shot in an old studio, not the one I am in now, but when she looks out that window in the shot below, she’s looking right at what is now my current studio!