I’ve known April for over 20 years, so when she asked if I would fly down to California to photograph her and Chris’s wedding last year, I did not hesitate to answer with a big, “Hell, yeah!” Not only was I excited to document this big day for my friend, but I was admittedly excited about shooting in the California sun. I’ve been fortunate enough to have a few clients in California and there is just nothing like the light you get down there!
Only it wasn’t sunshiny. At all. In fact, their part of the state had the most rain they’d had in decades and everything flooded just days before the wedding, including their venue (Aah Ranch). Even the airport closed! Thankfully, though, the water receded just enough to open most things back up…literally the day before I flew in. It rained most of the time I was there, including on their wedding day, but it was still beautiful and in the end it made for a great story. Plus, how fortunate to have hired a wedding photographer who is VERY versed at shooting in the rain?
Anyway, Christ picked me up from the airport when I arrived. That was my first time meeting him and it honestly just felt like I had known him forever. We chatted the whole drive, from the airport to my hotel, which was great, as it gave me a chance to get to know him prior to their big day.
April and Chris has a beautiful day, celebrating with family and friends. The love from everyone was palpable and I’m so happy I was able to be part of it. They just celebrated their first wedding anniversary (yes, I’m always this behind on blogging, lol), so HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, MR. & MRS. HUCKABEY!!