
Salem Oregon Portrait Photographer - monthly self-portrait project, January 2021

I’ve decided to do a 2021 self-portrait project. I’ll be photographing myself once a month for the next 11 months and posting them here. My goal was two-fold: To get myself in front of the camera more and to do something creative. I have no idea what the next 11 self-portrait sessions will hold, but January was a no-brainer.

I don’t really discuss politics within my business (and I’m not really starting now), BUT regardless of one’s political beliefs, having our first female VP is a really big fucking deal! I’ve liked Kamala Harris from the beginning…and even more so during the debates. I hope we start to hear a lot more of things like, “Excuse me, I’m speaking.”

What would self-portraits be without some outtakes? In the first shot, I was dropping my phone and saying, “shit.” The second was an accidental misfire and the last shot is just a totally out of focus shot of me being a dork. LOL!