Salem Senior Portrait Photographer - India, Class of 2020 (part 2)

India, a senior at South Salem High School, wanted to do some of her senior portraits amongst the fall leaves, but of course the yearbook deadline is weeks before the leaves even turn! Side Rant: Why do high school yearbooks have such early deadlines for senior portraits these days? Back in my day (insert bitter old man voice here) we didn’t have to have them in until spring and we still got our yearbooks on the last day of school! ANYWAY…In order to get some photos done in time for the yearbook, but also embrace the autumn colors, we broke India’s session up into two parts. The first was held in early fall, against both the urban backdrop of downtown, as well as the “we are still holding on to summer” color palette of Deepwood Estate (Click HERE to see part 1). This session (part 2) was held at Bush Park, near the art barn, later in the fall. Another bonus, aside from seasonal color changes, from breaking your session up? Two different hairstyles!