salem senior portrait photographer

Salem Oregon Senior Portrait Photographer - hot pink hair & alien pants!

I always have a good time photographing Ember, who happens to be the younger sister of my son’s fiancé. I don’t think I’ve seen her with the same hair color twice, and she has some really fun outfits! We usually shoot outdoors, but decided to do a quick studio session as well.

Side note: Ember actually graduated high school in 2023 and has been a licensed hair dresser for 2 yrs. She specializes in vibrant hair color, so if you’re looking for someone, she’s your girl (@erahhair on IG)!

Salem Family Photographer - GCU sendoff!

If this family looks familiar to you, it’s probably because I’ve photographed them a lot. I mean, I’ve known Loui (the mom) for 30 years and Travis for nearly as long. Anyway, they have the cutest tradition for their family. Whenever one of their kids goes off to college, they all dress up in that college’s swag and do family portraits. Kyle is the 2nd oldest, but I’m so behind on blogging that he’s almost a junior in college and they sent another off last year!

Anyway, these were the photos we did (at their home) for Kyle’s sendoff to Grand Canyon University!

Salem Oregon Senior Portrait Photographer - mini session with Makayla (Class of 2023)

I’m a sucker for a sundress and jean jackets with cowgirl boots, so when Makayla showed up in this adorable outfit, I was thrilled. We shot this mini session at a park near my house, which gave us a little bit of greenery AND a little bit of fall color, plus a variety of backgrounds.

Salem Oregon Senior Portrait Photographer - b&w sneak peek from a session at Silver Falls!

I can’t believe I’m already booking senior portrait sessions for the class of 2023, when I haven’t even blogged all of my ‘22 seniors yet! Anyway, here are some black & white shots from Dalaney’s senior portrait session from Silver Falls last year. I can’t wait to share the rest (soon)!

Salem Portrait Photographer - 80s sitcom inspired family session!

This family is a hoot. They like to have fun with their family portraits and I am totally here for it. in the past they’ve worn giant googly eyes, super hero t-shirts, and latex animal head masks, so when Erin told me they were doing an 80s TV sitcom theme, I couldn’t wait to see what they came up with. After a trip to a local thrift store, they were all set. From the giant glasses, to the Dad slippers, to the blacksheep of the family… I love it all! They even made a cute little video to look like the full house intro, featuring their “cast members.” I also felt the need to create a truly 80s inspired image, using photoshop, which I’ve titled, Mother. Haha!

Salem Senior Photographer - Madeline, Class of 2021

This senior’s adorable style made my 90s teen heart so happy! I’ve known her mom for nearly twenty years and while I have watched Madeline grow up online, this was my first time actually meeting her in person. She’s as sweet as can be and like I said, I love her style! From her hair, to her outfit, to her shoes…so cute!

Salem Oregon Senior Portrait Photographer - Cameron, WSHS

As usual, I’m always way behind on blogging. To be honest, I think I might have blogged this session on my old website, which crashed about a little over a year ago. Anyway, this is Cameron and he graduated from West Salem High School a while back now, lol. Nice kid, adorable smile, and he obviously plays water polo.

Omaha Senior Portrait Photographer - LGBTQIA+ senior, rocking the rainbow

Em is an awesome human. She’s incredibly smart and obviously adorable, but she is also sarcastic and funny, with a big heart. I am happy to say that her parents have completely embraced her since coming out to them as bi-sexual. They’re literally the only house in their neighborhood that flies an umbrella flag all year round (actually, I don’t think I saw a single other umbrella flag the whole time I was there). Em told me she wanted to incorporate her bi flag into her senior portraits, as well as her umbrella belt (which I loved so much that I bought a matching one to keep as a client piece) and I was like, “Yes! Game on!” Sometime after that conversation, I decided we also needed to use a rainbow umbrella (and that she needed to own one), so I had one shipped to her house prior to my arrival.

Happy Pride Month!

Salem Oregon Senior Portrait Photographer - Garrett, class of 2020

Can I just take a second and give a shout out to all of the high school seniors, who have no idea what the next few months looks like for them? With this pandemic, it’s entirely possible they’ll have bizarre graduation ceremonies, with no audiences and the graduates spaced awkwardly far apart. It’s even possible that they won’t get to have graduation ceremonies with their peers. They may finish the school year (their entire K-12 school career, actually), without seeing their friends or teachers. Whatever the future holds…I think these soon-to-be graduates can handle it.

Anyway! This is Garrett. He’s a senior at Blanchett High School, here in Salem. I’ve known his parents for over 25 years (wow, just did the math on that and am kind of shocked), as we went to college together. His mom and I were even pregnant together (her with this kiddo and me with my middle kiddo, who is also a senior)! We did Garrett’s senior portraits at his family’s home, which is situated on some beautiful property, out in the country. Hang in there, kid, you’re almost done!

Salem Senior Portrait Photographer - India, Class of 2020 (part 2)

India, a senior at South Salem High School, wanted to do some of her senior portraits amongst the fall leaves, but of course the yearbook deadline is weeks before the leaves even turn! Side Rant: Why do high school yearbooks have such early deadlines for senior portraits these days? Back in my day (insert bitter old man voice here) we didn’t have to have them in until spring and we still got our yearbooks on the last day of school! ANYWAY…In order to get some photos done in time for the yearbook, but also embrace the autumn colors, we broke India’s session up into two parts. The first was held in early fall, against both the urban backdrop of downtown, as well as the “we are still holding on to summer” color palette of Deepwood Estate (Click HERE to see part 1). This session (part 2) was held at Bush Park, near the art barn, later in the fall. Another bonus, aside from seasonal color changes, from breaking your session up? Two different hairstyles!