film double exposures

Salem Film Photographer - double exposure boudoir

I probably shared these on my old blog, but since I can’t remember anything these days and I can’t go back and look, I’m blogging this session anyway! Anyway, these double exposures were shot on 35mm film, on several different days. The photos of my model were all done on the same day, in my studio. The outdoor shots were taken over the course of a few days (and nights). Once again, my negatives didn’t line up, but that’s the beauty of double exposures on film… it’s always a surprise!

Salem Boudoir Photographer | double exposure on film

FYI… this post contains NUDITY.

I love doing double exposures on film. There are two different ways of doing them: I can shoot two images back to back, before advancing the film OR I can shoot the whole roll, re-load it and then shoot the whole roll again. For this set of images, I used the latter technique. I wanted to be able to do everything at once, in the studio, and then take my time driving around and finding the secondary images. As you can see, the frames didn’t line up, but I kind of love those happy accidents.

Model: Ashley Wolf

Camera: Canon EOS-3
Film: Kodak Portra 400
Lab: The FIND Lab