salem film photographer

Salem Portrait Photographer - adorable teen, on film

This teenager is artsy and cool and it only seemed right that she be photographed with an analog camera. If you’re not a film photographer, this will probably mean nothing to you, but these were shot on Fuji 400h. I’m so sad that this film stock has been discontinued (and that I didn’t have a stash of it). The skin tones and the greens are so dreamy.

Camera: Canon EOS-3
Film: Fuji 400h
Film Lab: The FIND Lab

Salem Film Photographer - double exposure boudoir

I probably shared these on my old blog, but since I can’t remember anything these days and I can’t go back and look, I’m blogging this session anyway! Anyway, these double exposures were shot on 35mm film, on several different days. The photos of my model were all done on the same day, in my studio. The outdoor shots were taken over the course of a few days (and nights). Once again, my negatives didn’t line up, but that’s the beauty of double exposures on film… it’s always a surprise!

Salem Boudoir Photographer - sunshine & analog

I don’t think I ever blogged these photos (and even if I did, those posts are long gone now, so the seems like a good time to share them). This was a simple session, done in my studio with some harsh sunlight and a chair as our only prop/furniture piece. I shot it on 35mm color film, which I later converted to b&w.

Lab: The FIND Lab
Model: Ashley Wolf

Portland Oregon Headshot Photographer - Bre, on film

When someone books me for a single headshot, I shoot digital because the turnaround time is faster and I don’t really want to waste a whole roll of film for one shot. If you’re interested in having your portraits done on film, though, just ask me about mini sessions!

Bre is an adorable photographer that I met at a workshop a few years ago. Seeing as we met through film photography, it only made sense that I shoot her portraits on film. These were shot on my Canon EOS-3, using Kodak Gold 400 film, which was processed and scanned by The FIND Lab.