gay boudoir session

Salem Oregon Boudoir Photographer - rainbow socks, roller skates, and pride!

This is such a perfect session to share during PRIDE month! Maisie, who had recently come out at the time of this session, wanted some updated portraits of herself for her online dating profile. She wanted something that showcased her personality and I think she nailed it!

If you are interested in some new photos for your online dating profile, simply book a branding session with me! We can shoot indoors, outdoors, in your home, etc.

Eugene Oregon Boudoir Photographer - cozy cabin session with two beautiful women

I had the privilege of photographing this gorgeous couple at an amazing airbnb last year. It is located in Scio, Oregon, and is just an extremely cool house on an incredible piece of land. Anyway, I’ve been working with these two for a few years now (engagement, wedding, maternity, newborn, family), but this was our first boudoir session…and it was awesome! We all had a good time, as usual, and I think we all love the photos.