same sex boudoir

Eugene Oregon Boudoir Photographer - cozy cabin session with two beautiful women

I had the privilege of photographing this gorgeous couple at an amazing airbnb last year. It is located in Scio, Oregon, and is just an extremely cool house on an incredible piece of land. Anyway, I’ve been working with these two for a few years now (engagement, wedding, maternity, newborn, family), but this was our first boudoir session…and it was awesome! We all had a good time, as usual, and I think we all love the photos.

Salem Oregon Boudoir Photographer - same sex couples session

Why, yes, I did post photos of these two in a vintage trailer not too long ago (CLICK HERE to see that session). Well, we also took photos in the airbnb that I was renting out at the time (the trailer was parked right outside) because the lighting and interior of the home was practically begging us to.

Salem Oregon Boudoir Photographer - cozy same sex session in a vintage trailer!

I have now photographed these two in just about every capacity…engagement photos, wedding, hospital newborn session, end of life celebration (for Ashley’s mother), baby photos, family photos, and now boudoir! I’m sure we’ll think of new ideas…like political candidate headshots, maybe?

Anyway, it’s always an absolute pleasure working with these two. They’re smart, funny, adorable, and hello…they’re also smokin’ hot! Ashley and Alina drove all the way out to Scio, Oregon (from the Portland area) to do a couples boudoir session in this little vintage trailer (which I used to own, but have since sold).

Hood River Boudoir Photographer - same sex couples session

I shared the b&w photos from this session recently, but felt that the color images deserved their own post. This amazing studio apartment, which I rented through airbnb, has been featured in magazines and I’m sure you can see why. It’s dreamy! Anyway, Megan and Kayla were great to work with. They’re clearly in love and generally speaking, chemistry kinda takes over in sessions like this and there isn’t really room to be nervous.

Hood River Boudoir Photographer - LGBTQ+ couples session!

I had such a fun time photographing this adorable couple! Kayla & Megan drove out to Hood River, where I had rented the most amazing Airbnb for my birthday! Don’t worry…I have more photos from this session... that show more of the inside of this cool space! I’ll post those soon.