class of 2020

Omaha Senior Portrait Session - Em, Class of 2020 (part 2)

In case you missed it, you can CLICK HERE to see part one of this senior portrait session. I had the privilege of flying out to Nebraska in August of 2019 to not only visit my friend of 15+ years, but to also do her daughter’s senior portraits. I first photographed Emeliann when she was in Kindergarten (and we all lived at the Oregon Coast), so it was an absolute honor to do her portraits for both her first year and her last year of school!

Em is a great kid…okay, she’s not a kid anymore, but I don’t want to call her a woman just yet because it makes me feel old AF, okay?! Anyway, she’s in college, on a scholarship , kicking ass and taking names.

Oh, fun side note: I recently had someone contact me and ask for recommendations in my area for places to stay. I asked if she meant Oregon in general or specifically in Salem. Turns out she was traveling to Omaha and after having seen my photos from Nebraska, she thought I was located there.

So, while I do not live in Omaha, I do travel there every couple of years for various reasons. If you want referrals to photographers in that area, I’m more than happy to give them to you! Just ask. If you want to work with me, while I’m on a scheduled trip to Omaha (or if you want to pay for my travel expenses to get there), let me know and we can arrange something!

Salem Oregon Senior Portrait Photographer - Garrett, class of 2020

Can I just take a second and give a shout out to all of the high school seniors, who have no idea what the next few months looks like for them? With this pandemic, it’s entirely possible they’ll have bizarre graduation ceremonies, with no audiences and the graduates spaced awkwardly far apart. It’s even possible that they won’t get to have graduation ceremonies with their peers. They may finish the school year (their entire K-12 school career, actually), without seeing their friends or teachers. Whatever the future holds…I think these soon-to-be graduates can handle it.

Anyway! This is Garrett. He’s a senior at Blanchett High School, here in Salem. I’ve known his parents for over 25 years (wow, just did the math on that and am kind of shocked), as we went to college together. His mom and I were even pregnant together (her with this kiddo and me with my middle kiddo, who is also a senior)! We did Garrett’s senior portraits at his family’s home, which is situated on some beautiful property, out in the country. Hang in there, kid, you’re almost done!