high school senior

Cannon Beach Senior Portrait Photographer - downtown stroll, with a bonus bug!

This girl could not be any cuter and I love that we got so much variety, all in the downtown area of Cannon Beach! I’ve known her since she was born and I can’t believe she’s already graduated from high school (class of 2023).

Salem Senior Photographer - Madeline, Class of 2021

This senior’s adorable style made my 90s teen heart so happy! I’ve known her mom for nearly twenty years and while I have watched Madeline grow up online, this was my first time actually meeting her in person. She’s as sweet as can be and like I said, I love her style! From her hair, to her outfit, to her shoes…so cute!

Salem Oregon Senior Portrait Photographer - Garrett, class of 2020

Can I just take a second and give a shout out to all of the high school seniors, who have no idea what the next few months looks like for them? With this pandemic, it’s entirely possible they’ll have bizarre graduation ceremonies, with no audiences and the graduates spaced awkwardly far apart. It’s even possible that they won’t get to have graduation ceremonies with their peers. They may finish the school year (their entire K-12 school career, actually), without seeing their friends or teachers. Whatever the future holds…I think these soon-to-be graduates can handle it.

Anyway! This is Garrett. He’s a senior at Blanchett High School, here in Salem. I’ve known his parents for over 25 years (wow, just did the math on that and am kind of shocked), as we went to college together. His mom and I were even pregnant together (her with this kiddo and me with my middle kiddo, who is also a senior)! We did Garrett’s senior portraits at his family’s home, which is situated on some beautiful property, out in the country. Hang in there, kid, you’re almost done!